Highway bridges are the often overlooked pillars of our transportation infrastructure, silently bearing the weight of traffic, pedestrians, and cyclists. As these structures age, they become increasingly susceptible to deterioration due to factors such as weather, traffic, and the passage of time. To ensure the longevity and safety of our bridges, proactive maintenance is essential.

The preservation of our highway bridges is essential for maintaining the integrity and functionality of transportation networks nationwide. These structures not only connect cities and communities but also carry significant economic, social, and logistical importance.

However, bridges are constantly exposed to environmental factors, traffic loads, and natural wear and tear, making proactive maintenance vital. In this context, under-bridge platforms have emerged as an indispensable tool for bridge preservation, enabling effective inspections, repairs, and ongoing maintenance that extend the lifespan of critical infrastructure.


Bridge inspection maintenance carried out by 2 workmen onboard a Aspen a 30


The Importance of Proactive Bridge Maintenance

Bridges are subject to deterioration over time due to various factors, including corrosion, concrete spalling, and the general fatigue of materials. When left unchecked, minor issues can escalate into serious structural problems, leading to costly repairs or even catastrophic failures. Proactive maintenance involves regularly inspecting and addressing these small problems before they worsen. This approach not only ensures public safety but also reduces long-term repair costs and extends the life of the bridge.

Proactive maintenance requires efficient access to all areas of a bridge, including hard-to-reach spots underneath the structure. This is where under-bridge platforms come into play, providing engineers and maintenance teams with the means to perform detailed inspections and repairs, even in the most challenging environments.


Under-Bridge Platforms: An Overview

Inspecting bridges can be a hazardous and time-consuming task. Many critical areas of a bridge, such as the underside of the deck and piers, are difficult to access. This limited access can hinder thorough inspections, leading to potential safety risks and increased maintenance costs.

The Solution: Under Bridge Platforms

Under bridge platforms provide a safe and efficient way to access hard-to-reach areas of a bridge. These specialized platforms offer a stable working surface, enabling inspectors to conduct thorough examinations without compromising their safety. 

These platforms are typically truck-mounted or self-propelled and can be adjusted to reach different heights and angles. Their versatility makes them ideal for accessing various types of bridges, from long suspension bridges to more compact truss designs. By providing unrestricted access to the bridge’s underside, under bridge platforms play a crucial role in preventing structural failures.

Specific Applications of Under Bridge Platforms

Under bridge platforms are versatile tools with a wide range of applications, including:

  • Concrete Inspection: Assessing the condition of concrete for signs of cracking, spalling, or corrosion.
  • Steel Inspection: Examining steel components for rust, pitting, and fatigue cracks.
  • Joint Inspection: Evaluating the condition of expansion and contraction joints.
  • Debris Removal: Clearing away debris and obstructions that can compromise the bridge’s structural integrity.
  • Repair Work: Providing a stable platform for performing repair work, such as concrete patching or steel replacement.
  • Painting and Coating: Applying protective coatings to extend the life of bridge components.

Key Benefits of Using Under Bridge Platforms

  • Improved Safety: Under bridge platforms eliminate the need for hazardous work practices, such as scaffolding or rope access, significantly reducing the risk of accidents.
  • Increased Efficiency: With easy access to all areas of the bridge, inspections can be completed more quickly and thoroughly.
  • Enhanced Data Collection: Inspectors can gather detailed data on the bridge’s condition, including measurements, photographs, and video footage.
  • Cost-Effective Maintenance: Early detection of problems through regular inspections can prevent costly emergency repairs.


Advancing Inspection Capabilities

One of the key roles of under-bridge platforms is facilitating thorough and consistent inspections. Traditional methods, such as rope access or scaffolding, can be time-consuming and limited in their reach. 

Under-bridge platforms, on the other hand, allow inspectors to easily access all areas of a bridge, including critical structural components like girders, beams, and joints. With the ability to move along the length of the bridge, these platforms enable comprehensive visual inspections and non-destructive testing techniques, such as ultrasonic or magnetic particle testing.

By improving access, under-bridge platforms allow for more frequent and detailed inspections, leading to earlier detection of potential problems. Early identification of issues, like cracks, corrosion, or misalignments, is essential for timely intervention, preventing further deterioration, and preserving the bridge’s structural integrity.


Facilitating Efficient Repairs and Maintenance

In addition to inspections, under-bridge platforms are crucial for enabling efficient repairs and ongoing maintenance. Whether it’s sealing cracks, replacing corroded elements, or applying protective coatings, having a stable, mobile platform underneath the bridge makes the work safer and more manageable. The platforms’ ability to be positioned precisely where needed eliminates the challenges associated with limited access, ensuring that no part of the structure is neglected.

Moreover, under-bridge platforms can accommodate multiple workers and equipment, allowing for collaborative efforts and minimizing the time required for repairs. This efficiency is especially important in situations where minimizing disruption to traffic or other activities is a priority. By streamlining the maintenance process, under-bridge platforms help ensure that repairs are carried out promptly, keeping the bridge in optimal condition and extending its lifespan.


Mitigating Environmental Impact

The use of under-bridge platforms also plays a role in reducing the environmental impact of bridge maintenance. Traditional methods, such as scaffolding, can require significant setup and tear-down times, potentially leading to longer construction periods and greater disruptions. Additionally, scaffolding or barges may interfere with ecosystems, especially in sensitive areas like wetlands or rivers.

Under-bridge platforms, on the other hand, can be quickly deployed and adjusted with minimal disturbance to the surrounding environment. This is particularly beneficial for projects over waterways, where minimizing ecological disruption is crucial. By allowing for faster and more targeted interventions, these platforms contribute to more sustainable infrastructure management practices.


Bridge Preservation Safety and Risk Management

Worker safety is always a primary concern in bridge maintenance. Under-bridge platforms provide a stable, enclosed workspace that significantly reduces the risk of falls and accidents compared to rope access techniques. Features like guardrails, non-slip surfaces, and secure attachment points for tools enhance overall safety. Additionally, the platforms can be adjusted to accommodate varying weather conditions, enabling maintenance teams to work safely even in challenging environments.

By mitigating safety risks, under-bridge platforms also improve the consistency and reliability of maintenance operations. This reliability translates to better preservation of the bridge, as regular and uninterrupted maintenance schedules are crucial for long-term structural health.


Cost-Effectiveness and Longevity 

Investing in under-bridge platforms ultimately yields cost savings over time. While the initial outlay for purchasing or renting these platforms can be high, the reduction in setup times, increased efficiency, and fewer disruptions lead to overall savings in labor and project duration. Additionally, by enabling more proactive maintenance and reducing the need for emergency repairs, these platforms help avoid the much higher costs associated with major structural interventions or replacements.

Extending the lifespan of a bridge by a few decades through consistent maintenance can translate into substantial financial benefits for municipalities and state agencies. Under-bridge platforms are a key tool in realizing these benefits by facilitating the kind of ongoing care that keeps bridges in serviceable condition well beyond their expected design life.


The Future of Bridge Maintenance and Preservation

As infrastructure across the United States ages, the demand for effective preservation strategies continues to grow. Under-bridge platforms are increasingly recognized as essential tools in the maintenance and preservation of critical bridges. By enabling safe, efficient, and comprehensive access to all areas of a bridge, these platforms support proactive maintenance efforts that are key to extending the lifespan of vital infrastructure assets.

Yet, as technology continues to advance, so too will the tools and methods used for bridge inspection and maintenance. For example, the integration of under bridge platforms with emerging technologies, such as drones and robotics, has the potential to revolutionize the industry. By combining the strengths of human expertise with cutting-edge technology, bridge owners can achieve unprecedented levels of bridge preservation.

In a time when infrastructure funding is often limited, optimizing the durability and safety of existing bridges is more important than ever. Under-bridge platforms represent a proactive approach to infrastructure management, one that prioritizes both long-term preservation and immediate operational efficiency. By providing safe and efficient access to critical areas, these platforms enable thorough inspections and timely repairs. As bridge preservation becomes more focused on sustainability, adaptability, and safety, these platforms will remain central to maintaining the integrity and reliability of the nation’s transportation network.

Investing in bridge maintenance, including the use of under bridge platforms, is not just a cost; it’s an investment in the safety and well-being of our communities. By prioritizing bridge preservation, we can protect lives, reduce traffic disruptions, and extend the lifespan of our vital infrastructure assets.


Yellow Aspen A 40 unit with 3 workmen in white inspecting bridge


Your Premier Source for Under Bridge Platform Rentals

At Under Bridge Platforms, we’re proud to be a leading provider of under bridge access equipment in the Western States. We offer a comprehensive selection of state-of-the-art platforms, including the versatile Aspen UB-60 Unit and the powerful DFM Bridgemaster-Art-B-4.

Our team of experts is here to help you choose the right platform for your specific needs. We understand the importance of bridge inspections and want to ensure you have the equipment to get the job done safely and efficiently.

Contact us today to discuss your project and receive a free quote. Let us help you find the perfect under bridge platform for your bridge inspection needs.